Friday 8 May 2015

My Best-est!

"Doing the Best means Never to Stop Trying"
It is such a powerful statement! It adds an element of newness to our action every time because our best needs to go to the next level every time. So there is nothing that cannot be improved and there is everything that can be explored.
Fun isn't it!

Wednesday 6 May 2015


I was watching "Imitation Games " yesterday. The movie is about a great mathematician who saves 14 million people in the world war by breaking the message code of German's. The mathematician turns out to be homosexual and is persecuted for it. The fact that the movie was based on true story, saddened me at the pettiness of humanity, how can we negate all man's doing on his sexual pleasure. Is this such an important part of a person that it can encompass all his doing.

Monday 4 May 2015

My Fortune

What makes us discontented with our condition is the absurdly exaggerated idea we have of the happiness of others. French Proverb

Isn't it so true! We are not so much miserable with our misfortune as we are with fortune of others. But then that’s what makes us human. We are so engrossed with others life that sometimes we forget to live our own. We see a person lesser prettier/ handsome than us we are so pleased, we see a person worst dressed than us in the party we do not miss a chance to ridicule him, we need a reassurance by seeing a less fortunate to realise our fortune. Why?

I know no man is island but that does not justify our behaviour. We need to rise above this mental segregation of people and look for our happiness in what we have and not in what others do not have.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Nepal-Lesson We are Not Learning

The devastation is so extreme!
The common man stands at loss, who has not even been part of all those decisions where laws must have been violated in favour of profit. The nature has decided to be relentless when it has realised that so is man. But in this game the looser is the one who had nothing harm in the first place except may be not revolted.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Journey or Destiny

 Happiness is a journey... not a destination. Ben Sweetland
When I shall get it I shall be happy and as soon as I get it I realise either that it is not enough or it is not what I actually perceived it to be. So I am again at zero level of happiness. I again search for a new avenue to make me happy. The search is endless.

So instead if we enjoy the journey to our epitome of happiness there are chances that we can be happy for longer period of time.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tomorrow’s another day

These lines are from Sydney Sheldon’s,”Tell Me Your Dreams”.
Sandra studied her husband’s troubled face. “Did Mr. Kincaid say anything about the partnership, David?”
He shook his head. “No.”
Sandra said brightly, “He will. Tomorrow’s another day.”
This is what keeps us all going isn’t it. This faith that there will be change of scenario tomorrow, this hope that there will be light at the end of tunnel keeps us facing the challenges that have power to break us. This is what life is all about.
This is the biggest distress mantra too!

Because there are somethings going on in every-bodies life which require the support of this thought.

Monday 20 April 2015

My Life's Purpose

The purpose of our lives is to be happy. Dalai Lama

But we are miserable most of the time.
Is it because of others?
Or is it because of our reaction to others?
I am unhappy because my ego which I value a lot is hurt by others, isn’t it?
Now I cannot control the behavior of other but I can always control my reaction to it.

So next time when some action or words by other seems to dampen your happiness, change your reaction to it. Do not let anybody take away your purpose of life.